I woke up and found out that it was 12:00!
Well, sometimes this happens:)
It's weekend! We gotta relax!
Still, the topic is about Japanese green tea.
I'm gonna focus on Maccya today.
Maccya is used for many things like chocolate, cookie, ice cream, cake and so on.
Maccya taste is my all-time favorite!
Speaking of Maccya, "宇治(Uji)" comes to my mind.
Uji is a city in Kyoto prefecture. Its soil and weather was good for producing Maccya, and it was pretty close to Kyoto city where the center of tea ceremony. So, Uji has a long history producing Maccya. "Uji-Maccya" is known as a brand of good Maccya in Japan.
In schools in Uji, as part of the region education, flow from a faucet is tea!
It's amazing.
Then, how Maccya is produced?
It is grown up away from sunlight. Pick shoots, steam them and dry them. Remove the vein, and ground to powder by millstone.
I think this tea talk continues a little more.
When I was looking through my old pictures, I came across this one.
This was 2005, when I visited NY library.
Amazing place!
I'm going to visit here again someday!